Monday 11 July 2011

Grandma's journey of layers, twists and turns, surprises and enlightenment.

Hi everyone, Miracle I have managed to get into Now to go on yet another journey of learning, using technology that is, as well as living the text.  I am a mother of two adult daughters and grandma to four awesome grandchildren.  Shari 12, Amber 9, Sage 3 and 9months, and Benni 3 and 2 months.  The lights of my life.  I have been an ordained minister for 18 and half years.  My first placement was at Southern Yorke Peninsula for three years working with 5 congregations. My next placement was at Lower Murray Parish which included Murray Bridge, Mypolonga, Tailem Bend and a couple of others.  Back to the city for nearly 10 years in a larger congregation at Salisbury.  Very different ministry with much ministry to those in need in a the second poorest community in South Australia.  2010 and I am back to the country again and now in ministry as a Rural Resourcing Minister located at Jamestown but with 6 congregations plus one! My role is to assist and enable the members of the various congregations to see themselves as being on mission in the community and to develop their God given gifts for ministry rather than look to the ordained minister to be their missionary and minister.  I am located in a beautiful part of the country and even though there is some uncertainity about my role there is also much support and a quiet excitement about our future.
What I want to learn in this class.
To learn how to find those multilayers in the scripture and to find effective ways of taking people into new depths of understanding this incredible book.
Looking forward to studying with you all this week.


  1. Well done Sandy. Thanks for being willing to go on a learning adventure with us,

    steve taylor
